
Covering note : Constitution, Policies and Proce

We have been in existence since 2013 and established formally since 2016. Trumpington Stitchers has evolved and grown as part of our local community. We have an enthusiastic Steering Group with some key people who put in a lot of work to make sure things run smoothly. 

We have recorded our decisions and plans along the way, and although we do not need to register as a formal group, we do need to set out our structures and policies in order to steer decision making in the future, and to clarify the roles to be fulfilled as people move in and out of the group.  When applying for grants, we may be required to demonstrate that we have a structure and agreed policies, including financial procedures and data protection.

We do not fulfil the criteria for a charity, and we are not a profit making group.  The technical term for our kind of group is an ‘unincorporated  association’. This fits with our idea of a ‘pay as you go – drop in’. ‘Stitchers’ willing to share contact details will be kept up to date with news etc.. 

The Steering Group consists of ‘Members’ who are proposed, volunteer or persuaded from the wider group of Stitchers. The Steering Group shares responsibility for overseeing our finances, booking the venue, organising the hosting rota, organising our stocks of material, machines and arranging workshops, fundraising and work contributed to various charities and other local community groups. 

We need to have a constitution setting out the aims of Trumpington Stitchers, what we do  and how we are organised. We need to set out our financial procedures  and some policy statements about such things as photo consent, equality and diversity, health and safety and safeguarding.

The attached document was agreed in its original form at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 2016 and has been revised for the AGM in 2022. 

Trumpington Stitchers : Constitution, Policies and Procedures


The name of the group is Trumpington Stitchers


To encourage, teach and share all kinds of stitching activity, while fostering mutual support and friendship across Trumpington. Activities cover a wide range of stitching, including knitting, crochet embroidery, dressmaking, patchwork /quilting and a range of stitch related crafts. We also aim to use our skills to support other local community groups, such as the Kids Clothes Hub. In addition, we donate stitched goods to local and national charities such as Homelessness charities and Knit for Peace. 


We welcome anyone who shares our aims, and although based in Trumpington, we welcome others who are willing and able to travel from further afield. We do not have a formal category of membership, but operate on a drop in basis. Those agreeing to share have their details recorded on our database and can be kept informed of news and any upcoming stitch related events. We refer to them as ‘Stitchers’


Trumpington Stitchers meet from 7 to 9.00pm on Monday evenings at the Trumpington Pavilion in Paget Road.  We ask for a contribution of £3 per session to cover hire costs, refreshments and access to our stores on request. We have a range of equipment, sewing machines, some limited fabrics and yarns for the use of members. 

Stitchers bring along projects they are working on and we help each other with our projects. There are a number of starter packs, and help is available for anyone wishing to learn to knit or sew.. From time to time we organise peer-led or external workshops for which there may be an additional fee. 

We also have Stitching for Charity sessions at Clay Farm Centre café on Tuesday mornings, 10.30-12. These are also informal drop ins. Some limited materials and equipment for knitting and crochet are available and there is no charge. 


There is a Steering Group whose members share the responsibility 

  • to provide opportunities for collaboration and learning about all forms of stitching
  • to ensure a warm, welcoming inclusive environment for the Trumpington Stitchers 
  • to ensure financial viability for the Trumpington Stitchers

The Steering Group membership is drawn from the wider group of Stitchers and should not exceed 12 

  • Key roles are the Chair, Deputy Chair and Treasurer.
  • In the absence of any one of these, another member may be asked to deputise.
  • These and other roles are detailed on a following page
  • The usual term for membership of the steering group is 3 years, but members are annually offered the opportunity to stand down or for others to join 
  • Those in key roles may be asked to stay in post for a longer term to provide continuity
  • The steering group meets a minimum of three times a year and an AGM is held, usually in July
  • A meeting is quorate providing the Chair or Deputy and at least four other members are present 
  • Regular written reports are required from the Treasurer 
  • Sub committees, or time limited task groups may be set up to oversee certain functions
  • Decisions are generally by consensus, or in the event of a vote, the Chair has a casting vote 
  • Responses and decisions regarding any point of principle or other queries are recorded as ‘custom and practice’ in this document Section 9 below for future reference.

Steering Group Roles 

One person may hold more than one role 





  • Coordinate dates and venues for meetings 
  • Coordinate agenda and reports for meetings
  • Chair meetings
  • Hold the Bank Visa card
  • Ensure annual liability insurance is in place 
  • Write update reports for the membership after meetings

Deputy Chair


  • Support Chair to prepare for meetings and produce reports
  • All the duties of the Chair when Chair unavailable 



  • As set out in the financial procedures

Social media manager


  • Manage the website/social media and be the named person for administration purposes
  • Respond to contacts via the website and pass on as appropriate



  • Look for opportunities and discuss with steering group
  • Organise people and materials for fundraising events 
  • Coordinate the production of materials for sale 
  • Complete grant applications 
  • Delegate tasks above as appropriate

Database Manager 

Vacant – covered by Carol and Jackie

  • Manage the contact database on Google docs
  • Hold the paper copies of the Contact forms with signed Disclaimer on the back
  • Coordinate weekly rota for unlocking and hosting at the Pavilion as set out in key holder procedures 

Publicity and community liaison 


  • Develop relationships with other groups who may help with achieving Stitchers aims 
  • Create written publicity materials for activities and workshops ( in liaison with Jim Holloway – graphic design consultant)
  • Write a piece for each edition of the Trumpet 
  • Identify opportunities to promote the Stitchers
  •   Respond to requests for Stitchers help and consult with the Steering Group about our response if necessary

Stores manager


  • Organise materials and equipment
  • Keep record of loans and returns
  • Report to steering group any needs to be replaced or purchased

Sewing machine monitor


  • Overseeing maintenance of sewing machines and other equipment, replacing or purchasing equipment and materials as needed

Workshops organizer


  • Agree with steering group what workshops to run , either as free ‘peer ‘workshops or external providers of ‘paid for’ workshops
  • Work with publicity manager as relevant to promote workshops
  • Manage bookings and enquiries,, organise venues, materials and other practical needs

Meeting Secretary


  • Take notes and make records of meetings that include topics discussed decisions, actions and who is responsible

General Members

Carol S.



  • Contribute to meetings 
  • Volunteer to help with activities which support the purpose of the Steering Group.

  1. Annual General Meeting
  • The AGM is usually held in  July
  • It takes place as part of a regular Monday evening
  • All those on the database are informed and invited to attend
  • Membership of the Steering Group will be reviewed, renewed and confirmed 
  • Stitchers willing to volunteer should contact the Chair beforehand  
  • The Treasurer will report on the previous year
  • This document is reviewed and any proposed changes agreed

As Trumpington Stitchers is run as a drop in without formal membership, the responsibility for management rests only with the members of the Steering Group. The purpose of the AGMis therefore to inform the wider constituency of progress in the organisation of the group, to receive comments and share ideas. Any amendments to the constitution will be  discussed and agreed at the AGM.

  1. Financial Procedures
  • A bank account is maintained on behalf of the group as agreed by the Steering Group
  • There will be at least three signatories to the account approved by the bank
  • Each transaction requires one signature
  • Records of income and expenditure will be maintained by the Treasurer and a written  financial statement given at each meeting 
  • An annual statement of accounts will be presented to the AGM
  • All money raised by Trumpington Stitchers will be spent solely on the aims laid out in the constitution
  • Fees collected at each meeting are recorded in the register and cash passed directly to the Treasurer by the host  
  • The Bank Visa card is held by the Chair
  1. Weekly Meeting Key Holder/Host Roles

The key holder 

  • Has to be registered with the TRA management for security purposes  
  • Is responsible for unlocking the Pavilion and coordinating  the setting up of the room and getting out equipment for a start at 7pm**
  • Brings the milk
  • Is not required to stay, but a key holder is responsible for coordinating the clearing away** and locking up by 9.00
  • Ensures that the following week’s key holder has access to key

**preparing and clearing the room entails moving chairs and folding and storing tables.  This requires anyone present who is able, to help. The tables are heavy and should only be handled by those who are happy they are fit enough to lift them, and only after they have been shown how to fold them safely

The host 

  • Should arrive by 6.45 and greet and introduce new people to the group, give them relevant paperwork (“Welcome to Our Monday Meeting” and “Contact Information” sheet) and ask them to sign the disclaimer on the back of the Contact sheet. 
  • Should be aware of the location of First Aid box and the ‘fuse board’
  • Ensure the collection of weekly fees and pass cash on to the Treasurer 
  • Inform the Membership Secretary of new Stitchers wishing to have details recorded on the database (asking that person to complete the Contact Information form in the Host pack)
  • Help those needing assistance, or identify someone else to do so
  • Take responsibility for initiating action in response to any untoward incident

Volunteers make drinks and wash up, this does not fall to any one person in particular and should be shared by those present at meetings. 

  1. Custom and practice 

From time to time we may receive requests potentially falling outside our agreed remit. We maintain a list here of decisions reached for future guidance. These include:

  • We will provide links on our website to businesses that provide resources for our members, but not for businesses and individuals purely for the purpose of selling their made goods 
  • We do not provide a service for the public to undertake stitching and mending jobs for money. If someone requires a specialist bit of sewing which coincides with our wish to run skills development we will consider undertaking the work as part of a workshop for an agreed donation to Stitchers funds. 
  • Within our capacity, we will assist anyone who wishes to undertake a mending repair task, but not do it for them.
  • We may set aside time to make things that other charities need.  Hats and scarves for Winter Comfort, toys and blanket squares for Knit for Peace, ponchos for refugees are all such examples.
  • We may raise money for our own funds and on occasion we may decide to donate some funds to other organisations. This will usually be to cover the costs of stitching materials or distribution of stitched items to those in need. Any proposal to donate money raised by Stitchers activities for any other purpose should be referred to the Steering Group, with reasons for this exceptional action. 
  • We may sometimes be able to make things for other local community groups, as agreed by the Steering Group 
  1. Equality and Diversity
  • Trumpington Stitchers does not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, colour, ethnic or national origin, sexuality, disability, religious or political belief, marital status or age .
  • Any offensive behaviour, including racist or inflammatory remarks will not be permitted. Anyone behaving in an offensive way should be asked to apologise by the host and if an apology is not given or the behaviour is repeated, a verbal warning may be given that the Chair and Deputy Chair will be consulted. A decision may be taken by the Chair and Deputy Chair to ask the person not to attend further meetings. 
  1. Safeguarding (children and vulnerable adults) 
  • We welcome young children accompanied by a parent, who must take responsibility for their safety and entertainment. Older children may be helped to learn to sew or knit.  Teenagers from the age of 14, may come to work on a project, initially with a responsible adult, but subsequently unaccompanied (but with parental permission).
  • In accordance with our aim of fostering mutual support and friendship, we are able to welcome vulnerable adults who are interested in suitable stitching activities. 
  • Any concerns about safety of children or vulnerable adults should be reported to the host and discussed with the Chair or Deputy Chair. 
  • If deemed necessary, concerns about child safety may be reported by phone to
    0345 045 5203 (office hours) 01733 234 724 (out of hours) or by email to MASH.C&F@cambridgeshire.gcsx.gov.uk. Further information about child safety can be found at https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/residents/children-and-families/children-s-social-care/safeguarding-children-and-child-protection/
  • Any concerns about Vulnerable Adults may be reported by phone to 0345 045 5202
    8am to 6pm weekdays, 9am to 1pm Saturday or by email to referral.centre-adults@cambridgeshire.gov.uk. For out of hours emergencies call 999.

  1. Health and Safety
  • Trumpington Stitchers aim to maintain a safe and healthy environment for our meetings and all those who attend. 
  • The Steering Group has identified a few potential risks relating to equipment, (eg sewing machines, iron) and attendees are given appropriate training and supervision by the host. 
  • Sewing Machines and Irons –All Stitchers who use machines and irons MUST receive instruction on their safe use and visual checking of the cable/plug from the Host or workshop leader that day, as relevant. They are then required to sign the disclaimer notice on the back of the Contact sheet, held in the host pack. Any faults or problems should be reported to the host in the first instance.  
  • Stitchers are advised to take care with needles and sharp scissors, and volunteers who prepare hot drinks are advised to take care, especially as water from the tap is very hot.
  • No one is expected to move furniture they do not feel confident to manage.

The duty of care is the responsibility of the Steering Group, and the member who is acting as host will be expected to coordinate a response in the event of any unsafe behaviour or an accident. 

  1. Photo Consent
  • We may take photographs of the group at work, or at when we are working at public events. 
  • It is important that if these are to be used in ongoing publicity, online or for publication in local press, that it is with consent of the individuals concerned including individuals who are in the picture, but who are not part of Stitchers. 
  • We seek consent from adults and record in writing any negative responses. We ask a responsible adult for written permission for children under 16.
  • The photographs will only be used for the stated purpose, and copyright remains with the photographer.
  1. Data Protection



  1. Your personal data – what is it?

Personal data relates to a living individual who can be identified from that data.  Identification can be by the information alone or in conjunction with any other information in the data controller’s possession or likely to come into such possession. The processing of personal data is governed by the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”).

  1. Who are we? 

Trumpington Stitchers is the data controller (contact details below).  This means it decides how your personal data is processed and for what purposes.

  1. How do we process your personal data?

Trumpington Stitchers keeps your data on the paper form completed by you, held by the Membership Secretary. This information is also held electronically on a Google document that is accessable by members of the Steering Group. 

 Trumpington Stitchers complies with its obligations under the “GDPR” by keeping personal data up to date; by storing and destroying it securely; by not collecting or retaining excessive amounts of data; by protecting personal data from loss, misuse, unauthorised access and disclosure and by ensuring that appropriate technical measures are in place to protect personal data.

We use your personal data for the following purposes: –

  • To enable us to provide a voluntary service for the benefit of the public as specified in our constitution (all policies including the constitution are available on the website, see below); 
  • To administer membership records; 
  • To fundraise and promote the interests of Trumpington Stitchers;
  • To manage our volunteers; 
  • To maintain our own accounts and records;
  • To inform you of news, events, activities run by Trumpington Stitchers;
  1. What is the legal basis for processing your personal data?

Explicit consent of the data subject so that we can keep you informed about news, events and activities.

  1. Sharing your personal data
    Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will only be shared with other members of the Trumpington Stitchers in order to run activities and events. We will only share your data with third parties outside of the organisation with your explicit advance consent.
  1. How long do we keep your personal data?
    Until you request it be deleted, at any time. You will be explicitly invited to request deletion from the database each time you receive an update from the Steering Group, usually three times a year. 
  1. Your rights and your personal data  

Unless subject to an exemption under the GDPR, you have the following rights with respect to your personal data: –

  • The right to request a copy of your personal data which Trumpington Stitchers holds about you;
  • The right to request that Trumpington Stitchers corrects any personal data if it is found to be inaccurate or out of date;  
  • The right to request your personal data is erased;
  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioners Office.
  1. Further processing

If we wish to use your personal data for a new purpose, not covered by this Data Protection Notice, then we will provide you with a new notice explaining this new use prior to commencing the processing and setting out the relevant purposes and processing conditions. Where and whenever necessary, we will seek your prior consent to the new processing.

  1. Contact Details

To exercise all relevant rights, queries of complaints please in the first instance contact the the Chair of Trumpington Stitchers via the Contact Form on the website www.trumpingtonstitchers.net

You can contact the Information Commissioners Office on 0303 123 1113 or via email https://ico.org.uk/global/contact-us/email/ or at the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF.

CH 21.11.22 

Social Media Policy

What is social media?

Social media is the term given to web-based tools and applications which enable users to create and share content (words, images and video content), and network with each other through the sharing of information, opinions, knowledge and common interests. Examples of social media include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.


Why do we use social media?

Social media is essential to the success of communicating Trumpington Stitchers’ work. It is important for some Steering Group Members to participate in social media to engage with our audience, participate in relevant conversations and raise the profile of Trumpington Stitchers’ activities.


Why do we need a social media policy?

The difference between a personal and group opinion can be blurred on social media, particularly if you’re discussing issues relating to Trumpington Stitchers’ activities. Publication and commentary on social media carries similar obligations to any other kind of publication or commentary that is representing the group in the public domain.


This policy is intended for all Steering Group Members. 

Setting out the social media policy

This policy sets out guidelines on how social media should be used to support the delivery and promotion of Trumpington Stitchers, and the use of social media by the Steering Group on behalf og the group. It sets out what you need to be aware of when interacting in these spaces and is designed to help the Steering Group support and expand our social media channels.


Point of contact for social media

Jackie Covill and Dana Nugumanova are responsible for the day-to-day publishing, monitoring and management of our social media channels. If you have specific questions about any aspect of these channels, speak to them.


Which social media channels do we use?

Trumpington Stitchers uses the following social media channels:

Trupington Stitchers has a Facebook group (https://www.facebook.com/groups/966781436742450/) which is managed by Jackie Covill. The purpose of the Facebook group is:

  1. Publish updates and notify people of upcoming events and workshops, and the changes that may be made to these events and workshops.
  2. Create a digital gallery of Trumpington Stitchers events and workshops
  3. Post informational videos and tutorials 
  4. Promote events not organised by Trumpington Stitchers by that may still be of interest 
  5. Allow anyone to share content of their current and finished projects.
  6. Allow anyone to ask for help and advice regarding stitching 
  7. Foster a friendly, helpful and inclusive group that supports our community

Anyone can post directly on the Facebook group. (usually posts are placed for review by the admin, ie Jackie Covill, before they are publicised)

Trumpington Stitchers has an Instagram account (add link) which is managed by Dana Nugumanova. These are the following purposes of the Instagram account:

  1. Publish updates and notify people of upcoming events and workshops, and the changes that may be made to these events and workshops.
  2. Create a digital gallery of Trumpington Stitchers events and workshops
  3. Post informational videos and tutorials 
  4. Promote events not organised by Trumpington Stitchers by that may still be of interest 
  5. Foster a friendly, helpful and inclusive group that supports our community

Anyone can post on their personal accounts and tag the Trumpington Stitchers Instagram Account. Then that post can be featured on the Trumpington Stitchers Instagram Account Stories, Reels or Posts. Alternatively they can Directly Message the Trumpington Stitchers Instagram account and then Dana Nugumanova will create an appropriate Post, Story or Reel.



Using Trumpington Stitchers’ social media channels 


  1. Two members of the Trumpington Stitchers Steering Group – Jackie Covill (Facebook) and Dana Nugumanova (Instagram) – are responsible for setting up and managing Trumpington Stitchers’ social media channels. 


  1. We will check and respond to comments and messages as they arrive. We will aim to respond as soon as possible. In cases where we cannot respond to the request we will  forward onto the Chair of Trumpington Stitchers 


  1. If you post on Trumpington Stitchers’ social media channels please remember you do so as an ambassador for our group 
  1. Make sure that all social media content has a purpose and a benefit for Trumpington Stitchers, and reflects Trumpington Stitchers’ policies.


  1. Through our social media channels we aim to be a valuable community resource, answer questions, help and engage with people interested in stitching of all kinds, and foster a strong community spirit.


  1. Take care with the presentation of content. Make sure that there are no typos, misspellings or grammatical errors. Also check the quality of images.


  1. Always pause and think before posting. That said, reply to comments in a timely manner, when a response is appropriate.


  1. If using interviews, videos or photos that clearly identify a child or young person, the Steering Group must ensure they have the consent of a parent or guardian before using them on social media. Please check this permission is in place before posting.


  1. It is vital that Trumpington Stitchers does not encourage others to risk their personal safety or that of others, to gather materials for social media purposes. For example, a video of a stunt.


  1. Steering Group should not encourage people to break the law to supply material for social media, such as using unauthorised video footage. All relevant rights for usage must be obtained before publishing material.
  1. No one, including the Steering Group should set up other Facebook groups or pages, Twitter accounts or any other social media channels on behalf of Trumpington Stitchers. By having official social media accounts in place, Jackie Covill and Dana Nugumanova can ensure consistency help us to build a strong following for our group and encourage people to participate in our activities.


Jackie Covill and Dana Nugumanova regularly monitor our social media spaces for mentions of Trumpington Stitchers so we can catch any issues or problems early. 

DN 29.04.2023