

If you are new to Trumpington, new to stitching, or looking for a friendly stitching group, we could be the group for you

We enjoy all kinds of stitching, from the practical to the wildly creative, using all methods, be it knitting, crochet, stitching, felting, or free style machining. And we love to have a chat, teach, advise and consult with each other.

Our face-to-face meetings are:

  • Mondays 7pm to 9pm, at the Pavilion on Paget Road, with a £3.50 charge (discounts available) to cover the rent. This is a general stitching and chat session. Machines, equipment and materials are available from our stores.
  • Tuesdays from 10:30am to 12pm at Clay Farm Centre. This is our Stitching For Charity group, producing goods for local and national charities. No charge, but we do try to support the café by buying drinks or delicious lunches. Materials provided, mainly in the form of yarn and crochet and knitting equipment.

Both groups welcome complete beginners and experienced stitchers. You can contact us on our website with any questions.

We take part in a variety of projects. Current projects include Crochet Christmas Tree and Stitching for Charity.

We share ideas and information on this website and on our Facebook Group

If you would like to know more about how we are organised, click here.

For Christmas 2024, we plan to make a crochet Christmas tree, to be entered in the Parish Church competition and displayed at various local community events. It was inspired by a photo we saw online, it will be a little over a metre tall and we will need about 170 squares to complete it. We need squares by the end of October to allow time for construction and we have written a pattern for you to use, more information and pattern can be found here. Any completed squares can be given to Carol at Monday meetings, Sheila at Tuesday meetings, or get in touch and we can collect. 

10th Birthday Party 

To see the pictures from our 10th Birthday Party, follow this link.

Recent projects



SUMMER OF 1,000 FLOWERS: We produced over 1,000 flowers to create a TOWER OF FLOWERS on the public art sculpture at Trumpington Meadows, as part of the celebration of the Country Park’s Fifth Birthday. We have a separate section on this website with photos and more information.

The Tower of Flowers is now ON TOUR, currently at Denis Wilson Court and available for community events and groups to borrow. Contact us if interested. It is in four sections of approximately 70 x 400 cm, so can be used very flexibly, to cover fences, as a wall hanging, or a mixture of methods of display using each piece separately.

‘SAFE@HOME?’ QUILT: We have completed this project, made of 144 squares made at home and joined to form a beautiful wall hanging, to reflect our varied experiences of this year of Covid-19. It is now hanging in the café at Clay Farm Centre. Listen to our Chair, Carol Holloway, talking about it on Cambridge 105 Radio.

This joins our previous project called Trumpington 2016 ~ A Stitch in Time, consisting of two large quilts and two smaller ones, also on display upstairs at Clay Farm Centre.

More details on both projects are in the PublicArt section of this website.

MAKING MASKS: We have materials available for mask-making (including elastic and metal noseguards) if you want to try making a unique mask for yourself or friends & family. This website will give you patterns and hints & tips: https://www.bigcommunitysew.co.uk/


Some photos of us doing what we do…

Encouraging ~ Teaching ~ Sharing ~ Knitting ~ Patchwork ~ Embroidery ~ Felting ~ Crochet ~ Altering ~ Creating ~ Mending ~ Designing