Panel A12 Anstey View Flats

by Carol H

A12Anstey View by Carol Holloway

What’s your name? Carol Holloway
Where do you live?
Sefton Close, in the 1960s housing development behind the Green Man pub
How long have you lived in Trumpington?
25 years

Can you tell us a bit about your panel? The first panel I did (I did two!) is of the flats on Trumpington Meadows called Anstey View.

What inspired you?

Before we got going on the Stitch in Time project, we wanted material to put on display to encourage people to get involved. I was looking for something that I thought would be fairly simple to translate into fabric using the skills I had at that point. I rode around on my bike taking photos and this building appealed to me. It’s part of the new Trumpington Meadows development, looking across to Anstey Hall. I liked the shape and colours. I thought I might like to live there if I was going to move into the new developments.

What materials & techniques did you use?

I knocked out a fairly simple appliqué building and used felt very liberally for the grass and sky, just to give an idea of the sort of thing that could be done to translate a building into fabric. After I had learnt a few more techniques at our workshops, I refined it with some free machine embroidery, and more adventurous appliqué.

My confidence in using different techniques has grown in leaps and bounds through being part of this project and other people’s work, as well as the workshops, has given me much inspiration for future projects.

Taking part in the Stitch in Time project has been really brilliant on many levels. It has properly connected me to Trumpington, my community and my neighbours for the first time, even though I have lived here for 25 years.